Happy Monday Pirate Crew.
We have scheduled a pick up from Perquimans County for December 21st, 2024. We will be in the Albemarle Plantation first in the morning at 8:30am and moving around the county ending in Belvidere.
This pick up service was previously performed for the Island Thrift (our original name) for Holiday Island, and we are excited to continue the pick up services quarterly as needed.
Please share as we plan to do more community pick up days through Perquimans County.
Learn more about our upcoming events and who we are on our website at www.piratesplunderthrift.org
If you are planning a pick-up we ask that you register here; https://form.jotform.com/242525447432152 or email us at piratesplunderpq@gmail.com or you may call our store at 2524261697.
#PleaseShare #AlbemarlePlantation #CommunityNeeds #DonationDay #nonprofitsupport